Anti Ragging Committee and Squad(2023-2024)

Minutes of Anti Ragging Committee and Squad Meeting
A meeting of the Anti-Ragging & Squad Committee was held on 23rd October 2023 at 11.00 AM in the College Seminar Hall. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Balaji Sidharth / Chairman, Dr. M.Sivapragash / Principal, Mr. Jeevan.S / Convener Anti Ragging Committee also attended the meeting.
Mr. Balaji Sidharth congratulated the members of the committee for their efforts in preventing the ragging incidents. He explained about the Rules & Regulations and consequences of Ragging as per AICTE guidelines. Principal suggested the measures to be taken to curb the incidents of ragging.
The Members took an active part in the discussion and recommended the following measures to prevent ragging both in Hostels and in the College campus.
- All the Anti-Ragging Squad members and Wardens must visit the hostels daily.
- Staff members of the Committee must visit the first-year block during lunch hours and take care of the fresher to prevent Ragging.
- Senior staff members of the Committee must supervise and take rounds in the Hostels and College premises especially after college hours and during nighttime.
- All the Anti-Ragging Squad members must take surprise visit to the Hostels and make signature in the registers kept for the purpose.
- Principal suggested that the Office bearers of the College Association as well as the student secretaries to take part actively in Ragging prevention.
- Security arrangements to be tightened during night times in the Hostels.
- Convener Anti Ragging committee suggested that the wardens of the Hostel must conduct meetings with the students to build confidence.