About Us
Message from the HOD
The department of Computer Science & Engineering offers B.E degree course with an approved intake of 60 students and M.E course with an approved intake of 16 students. Amongst all the engineering branches, Computer Science has been found to be the most popular choice among students. It encompasses a variety of topics that relates to computation, like design and analysis of algorithms, programming languages, data structures, operating systems, computer architecture, compiler design, artificial intelligence, software engineering, etc. Apart from core subjects, the course curriculum includes an interdisciplinary approach. Students can also opt for inter-disciplinary subjects as electives. This branch of engineering is perceived to be popular due to its research scopes and is known to be challenging while offering good career opportunities and remuneration. Computer Science and Engineering graduates can make a career in various areas like artificial intelligence, video games, mobile applications, web applications, computer graphics, computer programming, computer security, network administration, embedded systems etc. Almost all industries have job profiles for computer engineers hence the increasing demand for them.
- To create the most conducive environment for quality academic and research-oriented undergraduate and postgraduate education in Computer Science and Engineering and prepare the students for a globalized technological society and orient them towards serving the society.
- To impart high-quality professional training at the postgraduate and undergraduate level with an emphasis on basic principles of computer science and engineering.
- To establish nationally and internationally recognized research centers and expose the students to broad research experience.
- To impart moral and ethical values, and interpersonal skills to the students.
- To empower the students with the required skills to solve the complex technological problems of modern society and also provide them with a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities.
Courses Offered
UG: BE – Computer Science & Engineering
PG: ME- Computer Science & Engineering
PEOs, POs & PSOs
PEO 1: Graduates will pursue higher education and research, or have a successful career in industries associated with Computer Science and Engineering, or as entrepreneurs.
PEO 2: Graduates will have the ability and attitude to adapt to emerging technological changes.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: Apply to reason informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects, and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
- To analyze, design, and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science and Engineering.
- To apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for scientific and business applications.
- To adapt to emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.
Department Library
The Department Library houses 1021 volumes with more than 527 titles. The books explore all aspects of computer science and engineering, as well as new technologies.
Programming Lab
In this lab the students will be able to:
- Develop C programs involving functions, recursion, pointers, and
- Develop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling
- Develop and implement Java programs.
Networks lab
In this lab, the students will be able to: |
Implement various protocols using TCP and UDP. Compare the performance of different transport layer protocols. Use simulation tools to analyze the performance of various network protocols. Analyze various routing algorithms. Implement error correction codes. |
The students will be able to:
- Implement applications that require a Front-end
- Critically analyze the use of Tables, Views, Functions and
Internet Lab
In this lab the students should be able to:
- Construct a basic website using HTML and Cascading Style
- Build dynamic web page with validation using Java Script
- Develop server-side programs using Servlets and
- Construct simple web pages in PHP and to represent data in XML.
Mobile Application Development Lab
- In this lab the students should be able to :
- Develop mobile applications using GUI and
- Develop mobile applications using Event
- Develop mobile applications using
- Develop mobile applications using RSS Feed, Internal/External Storage, SMS, Multi- threading and
- Industrial Visit
Industrial visit has its own importance in a career of a student who is pursuing a professional degree. With an aim to go beyond academics, industrial visits provide students a practical perspective on the world of work. It provides students with an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices. Main aim of industrial visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment. They also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices.
All the students are coordinated to go for an Industrial Visit every semester to companies that are relevant to the topics being learned in that semester. Some of the companies visited by our students are,
Academic Year: 2016-2017
Date of Visit | Class | Industry Visited |
09/11/2017 | III CSE | UST Global, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum |
Academic Year: 2017-2018
Date of Visit | Class | Industry Visited |
24/03/2018 | III CSE | Spectrum Softech Solutions, Kochi-682011 |
24/03/2018 | IV CSE | Spectrum Softech Solutions, Kochi-682011 |
Academic Year: 2018-2019
Date of Visit | Class | Industry Visited |
21/9/2018 | II CSE | Evolet Technologies, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
21/9/2018 | III CSE | Evolet Technologies, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
Academic Year: 2019-2020
Date of Visit | Class | Industry Visited |
08/08/2019 | III CSE | UST Global, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum |
08/08/2019 | IVCSE | UST Global, Technopark Campus, Trivandrum |
- Inplant Training
Inplant training is an essential entity for students who are doing Engineering degree. There are lot of differences between what students learn from college and what is happening in the industry. In Plant Training provides an industrial exposure to the students as well as to develop their career in the high-tech industrial requirements. This would not only help them boost their confidence but also will improve their work efficiency.
All the students of our department are instructed to undergo Inplant Training in companies during semester vacations.
Academic Year: 2018-2019
Sl. No | Name | Organization Where Training Undergone |
1 | Abhirami | Spectrum Softech Solutions. Cochin |
2 | Anitta Anna Raju | Spectrum Softech Solutions. Cochin |
3 | Chithra | Spectrum Softech Solutions. Cochin |
4 | Malu | Spectrum Softech Solutions. Cochin |
5 | Vyshanavi | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
6 | Saranya | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
7 | Arya | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
8 | Anjana | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
9 | Reshma | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
10 | Aswathy S R | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
11 | Aiswarya | Trinity software technologies, Trivandrum |
12 | Jagatha P V | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
13 | Varsha | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
14 | Greashma | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
15 | Haritha | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
16 | Vrinda | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
17 | Gayathri Mohan | Acumen Global, Trivandrum |
18 | Hrishikesh R. Pillai | Srishti innovative Computer systems, Trivandrum |
19 | Shalu | Srishti innovative Computer systems, Trivandrum |
20 | Shanu | Srishti innovative Computer systems, Trivandrum |
21 | Parvathy | Srishti innovative Computer systems, Trivandrum |
22 | Rajasree | Srishti innovative Computer systems, Trivandrum |
23 | Aravind R | Fleming Embedded & software solutions, Trivandrum. |
24 | Abhijith M | Fleming Embedded & software solutions, Trivandrum |
Academic Year: 2014-2015
Sl.no | Company Name | No. of students |
1 | Kochar Tech | 15 |
2 | Aon Hewitt | 8 |
3 | Aagna Corporate Services Pvt Ltd | 12 |
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Sl.no | Company Name | No. of students |
1 | Big Apps | 5 |
2 | Data Logics | 2 |
3 | Sutherland | 1 |
4 | Tech Mahindra | 25 |
5 | IVTL Infoview chennai | 1 |
Academic Year: 2016-2017
Sl.no | Company Name | No. of students |
1 | Data Logics | 3 |
2 | IDBI Federal Life Insurence | 6 |
3 | Hexaware Technologies | 13 |
4 | Cape Gemini | 3 |
5 | Williams Lea Tag | 1 |
6 | Tech Mahindra Bas | 24 |
7 | GLAREAL Software solutions | 2 |
Academic Year: 2018-2019
Sl.no | Company Name | No. of students |
1 | Leadpro consultancy Pvt Ltd,chennai | 6 |
2 | Future Generali India Life Insurance company Ltd | 4 |
3 | Tech Mahindra Pvt Ltd | 5 |
Awards and Prizes
Sl. No | Branch | Year | Name of the student | Rank |
1 | B.E | 2013 | Sreela S. Rajan | 23 |
2 | M.E | 2013 | Vishnu Priya T | 28 |
3 | Sreelekshmi M | 32 | ||
4 | Neethu baalagopal A | 37 | ||
5 | Anjana S | 37 | ||
6 | Hazeena Yousuf | 42 | ||
7 | Sarika B.C | 42 | ||
8 | Divya J.L | 43 | ||
9 | Krishnaveni V.N | 44 | ||
10 | M.E | 2014 | Divya P.S | 33 |
11 | Arya S.V | 37 | ||
12 | Sony L.G | 47 | ||
13 | M.E | 2015 | Sruthi V Nair | 44 |
Journal Publications
1 | Venkata.Padmavathi Devi, D.Murugan, T.Ganesh Kumar, Comparative Study on Feature Extraction Approaches of Man-Made Objects Extraction from Satellite Images International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, 2018/2321-9637http://www.ijrat.org/downloads/Vol-6/oct-2018/Paper%20ID-610201863.pdf |
2 | Venkata.Padmavathi Devi , D.Murugan , T.Ganesh Kumar, Comparative Study on Detection and Classification Approaches on ManMade Objects from Satellite Images, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2018/2347-2693 , https://www.ijcseonline.org/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=3108 |
3 | L. Nisha Evangelin & A. Lenin Fred, Design and Analysis of Optimal Classification Techniques in Multimodal Biometric Authentication for Energy Efficient Communication, Journal of Green Engineering, 2020/2245-4586, https://www.jgenng.com/volume10-issue11.php |
4 | L. Nisha Evangelin & A. Lenin Fred, Reduced Optimal Feature Based Biometric Authentication Using MALO-MKSVM Techniques, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019/1380-7501,https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-019-07918-1 |
5 | L. Nisha Evangelin &A. Lenin Fred, Biometric authentication of physical characteristics recognition using an artificial neural network with PSO algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2017/0952-8091 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJCAT.2017.088196 |
6 | Abhila G. K, Chithra A. S,Palmprint Acquisition using a Novel Line-Scan System, International Journal for Research in Applied Science&Engineering Technology(IJRASET),2017/2321-9653, https://www.ijraset.com/fileserve.php?FID=7531 |
7 | Abhila G. K , Chithra ,Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Using Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS), 2017/2454-356X |
8 | V.Shiny, M.Mahalakshmi ,A HYBRID APPROACH FOR PRESSURE ULCER EVALUATION BY WOUND TISSUE CLASSIFICATION , International Journal of Engineering Research and Sports science., 2015/2348 – 1404 http://www.ijerss.com/preview.php?id=U1VwRlVsTlRMVEUwTWpFMk1EZzFPVFE9 |
9 | B.LEKSHMI JAIN, R.S SYAM DEV, M. MADAN MOHAN, A PCQP Technique Of Location-Based Service To Improve k-NN Search Using Secret Circular Shift, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET), 2014/2278-1323 http://ijarcet.org/wp-content/uploads/IJARCET-VOL-3-ISSUE-2-357-363.pdf |
10. | K. Anugirba, Sruthy V Nair ,Secure Authentication for mobile RFID Tags Identification system, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER), 2015/0973-4562, |